"I'm sure back home they think I've lost my mind." -- Ben Folds Five

2004-02-15 - 2:34 p.m.

I love Valentine's day.

I know everyone else on the face of the planet pretends to hate it at some point or other because it's a corporate created holiday invented solely to force the masses to spend millions of dollars on cards, candy, jewelry and stuffed animals, but as much as the masses complain, the truth is that most end up spending money and perpetuating the holiday of lurve anyway.

And why? Why should ANYONE hate Valentine's Day? Why should anyone hate a day that involves something as beautiful as the relationship between a woman and...


Yes, chocolate, delicious chocolate!

Godiva chocolate, Ghiradelli chocolate, heck HERSHEY'S chocolate, who cares? IT'S CHOCOLATE, FOR GOD'S SAKE!

And even if you didn't have a Valentine to buy you lots and lots of chocolate, cherish valentine's Day, or rather the day AFTER Valentine's Day (that would be today), when all the stores mark down the Valentine's chocolate 50% or more!


And then tonight, say a special prayer, thanking the good Saint Valentine for becoming the man synonomous with the chocolate holiday of lurve.

And really, people, stop complaining and get to the stores before all the marked down chocolate is gone!

Happy post-Saint Valentine's Day of Chocolate to all and to all a good choco-- err, night.

the forest - the trees - randomness

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