"I'm sure back home they think I've lost my mind." -- Ben Folds Five

2007-05-17 - 6:19 p.m.

It just occurred to me that I haven't updated here in a very long time. I had this occurance while posting a LiveJournal voice post because my voice post password is also my Diaryland password.

Which is the original password consisiting of random numbers thatI received when I first joined this place. I feel that deserves some sort of recognition, such as, "You kept the same stupid randomly computer-generated password that you got when you joined this thing YEARS ago? Did you not know you could change it??"

At first, I had no idea. But then again, I didn't go investigating things such as how to change the password of a diary that no one read. Then, I DID find out it could indeed be changed, yet I was either too lazy to do it, didn't care, or a combination of the two.

Anyhow, I figured I would add an entry here because I don't want it to go away forever.

You know, the usual.

So, here's what's happened to me since I've run away from here:

Nothing much.

Well, except I own a small business now and I'm kept quite busy.

Still not rich, though. But it's also not the veterinary hospital of doom. It's actually QUITE a step up from that, and I am happy working as my own boss.

I still get tendencies to run away forever and live the life of a fugitive, but that could be due to watching various television shows such as LOST. Ahh, to be stranded on an island full of murderous people who don't age! And coconuts!!! THAT'S the life!

So I have to go now. I have a couple of work appointments that I must dash off to.

Yes, I will end my sentences in incorrect ways, such as the above! I'M MY OWN BOSS NOW!


P.S. -- Still here regularly. All entries are friends locked now because my mother is a snooping ass. Hee.

the forest - the trees - randomness

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