"I'm sure back home they think I've lost my mind." -- Ben Folds Five

2002-01-08 - 10:09 p.m.

I've been stewing all day.

The excitement of talk of Rome kept my mind off it for a while.

Then, I watched "Empire Records" yet again to further distract myself.

Damn the man.

But, I cannot avoid it any longer... work... it sucks more than ever before.

Mango is leaving!! He quit! His last day is Thursday! That's the day after tomorrow... Noooooo!! Who will I stare at all day? No, no, no... I was supposed to quit BEFORE Mango... this can't be happening... oh god...

Not only that, but Shawn gave his 2 week notice today. Shawn sucks. He's leaving me all by myself. Who will I talk to while sitting in the hood? Who will I make jokes about Brittney with? Who will I sneak out of work to go to the indie CD shop, or to the pet shop with? This is all incredibly unfair.

Not only that, but the only other B. of S. person left, Molly, got mad and walked out last week.

I am the only one of our kind left.

This is reason enough for me to quit.

Well, there's an opening for an animal caretaker at one of the local historic plantations nearby. That might be fun, at least as a temporary job to pay my rent until I can hop on the next plane to Rome...

Anyone want a job working at a genetics lab? I hear they need people.


(P.S. -- This is my second entry for the day... Here's the first.

the forest - the trees - randomness

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